自然.创意.工坊:请绿入屋 / DYML大奕明亮
自然.创意.工坊:请绿入屋 / DYML大奕明亮
编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2021.03.16 21:44
开敞办公区与窗外景观 ©何明智设计单位 DYML大奕明亮
项目地点 上海长宁
建成时间 2020年12月
建筑面积 365平方米
Atelier DYML is a multidisciplinary and international architectural design workshop founded in 2015 in Shanghai, PRC. We are a group of passionate designers with unorthodox thinking relentlessly seeking unique design concepts and creative solutions. In 2020, five years since the establishment of atelier DYML, we decide that it is time to turn a new chapter, and venture forward with a new space. A space in nature, a space for creativity, a space to call our own.
融入自然的创意办公 ©何明智闹中取静
We searched for an open space, one that is close to art and nature in the midst of the city. After visiting numerous sites, we finally come across this brick and mortar nestling just by the edge of Tian Shan Park, and near the Liu Hai Su Art Gallery in Changning District. We fell in love immediately with this space. The site was formerly Daming rubber factory, and later converted into a creative industrial park. A few low-rise blocks with red bricks and terracotta roof tiles, flanked by rusty dark steels are now home for some boutique design studios, a theater, and of course, atelier DYML. We sit at the third floor of building block B.
区位关系图 ©DYML大奕明亮闹中取静 ©何明智前台区域 ©何明智拥抱自然
Our building faces Tian Shan Park at the south. Naturally, we plan our core workspace along this unobstructed view to the gardens and lake. Creativity can be cultivated inside, and outside on the terrace, sketching under the sun while embraced by nature. Then, we fill in the other auxiliary functions and spaces around the core.
设计意图 ©何明智开敞办公区与窗外景观 ©何明智原房屋被分隔成多个小房间,由于顶层建筑条件存在反梁,导致室内出现了高差,原有的单坡屋顶层高约五米,可以提供足够的阳光。我们在构思之初,就提出了对原有隔墙、吊顶全部拆除,以满足我们对场所的开放式办公需求。而原有的斑驳红砖墙、旧工业风格的铁窗、坡屋顶、铁艺栏杆均被保留了下来。
The existing space has around 5 meter tall sloped ceiling and reversed beam structure running across some areas, and partitioned into many smaller rooms. To suit our need for an open space, we demolish all the non-load bearing walls to let in natural light, and raise the platform to connect seamlessly to the outdoor terrace. On the shell however, we keep the wooden planked ceiling, the rustic red brick walls, and the artisan steel framed windows.
施工过程 ©DYML大奕明亮开敞办公区 ©何明智作为建筑事务所最重要的日常办公区域,我们把主要办公区在靠近公园边上布置,可提供最大的景观视野范围。靠南侧的露台成为了室内外的连接半开放空间,模糊了室内外界限。随着一天不同时段的阳光变化,室内呈现不同的光影氛围,同时反射天山公园湖水波光粼粼的效果,利用自然去营造公园式办公。
The core space is where the creating of new ideas take place daily. Placing it right next to the park would allow us to take in the ever-changing light and season provided by the nature. Our space becomes open, and boundary-less, just as any creative design should be.
剖透视示意图 ©DYML大奕明亮午后湖水反射阳光照进室内的光影 ©何明智窗外景观 ©何明智留白与流动
Our space planning emphasizes on void and flow. With less division, we allow for more growth. The stunning yellow of Gingkos, the exfoliating grey of French Planes, and the brilliant scarlet of Maples portrayed on our mainly white backdrop, just as an idea sketched on a roll of white tracing, no muss no fuss.
框景 ©何明智打印间 ©何明智近水露台
The south terrace blurs the boundary between nature and workspace. We keep the weathered trellis and deck as they were to continue the dialogue with nature. We simply edge away the age with clear coating and dress up with mechanical sunshade for better cooling efficiency. It is a perfect place to sketch, to think, to discuss matters around food and drink or simply, just to take in the view.
南侧露台 ©何明智三角客厅
Due to the raised platform covering up the reversed beams, we turn the issue into a creative opportunity. The recessed space becomes our stage for frequent and occasional reading, event, and presentation.
三角客厅 ©何明智一切就位
The mise en place is a niche with concealed cupboards, wall display and an island counter to provide a clean and streamline workflow. This is where designers pick out any ingredients, place on the counter to organize a material scheme, and prepare the design for realization.
材料间 ©何明智商务洽谈
Tug away from the open workspace, we allocate a 10 seating formal meeting room with screen and teleconference equipment, doodling wall, and of course, a nice view to the park.
会议室 ©何明智会议室外观 ©何明智品茗会友
Facing northwest, we allocate a casual room to contemplate or mingle under the golden late-day sunlight and some tea.
Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things. - Chaim Potok.
品茗会友 ©何明智茶歇花园
The pantry, flanked with red terracotta roof by the east and garden by the north, is a serene and exclusive space to share meals and afternoon tea. When spring comes and flowers bloom, families and friends can gather outside and enjoy some al fresco garden styled BBQ cookout.
茶水间 ©何明智茶水间红瓦坡屋顶景观 ©何明智黑与白
Entering the space, one would first arrive at a black space. It is a dark room dimly lit by our logo, a black on black optical suppression before one enters, and then greeted by a high-contrast, bright white reception space, flanked with a three-dimensional logo wall.
黑与白对比 ©何明智LOGO侧墙与模型 ©何明智突破与前进
With this new space, where we challenge ourselves to stay humble and respectful to its context, and to fit in our free and high efficient work flow, we hope to keep on the DYML principle and culture, bringing more fun and meaningful design to the horizon.
夜景 ©何明智平面图 ©DYML大奕明亮完整项目信息
设计团队:Josh Goh、华亮、何明智、陆梦、徐韫、奥德慕、张丁文、陶俊熹、钟其豪