
发布时间:2024-08-27 19:32


法国年鉴学派的创始人之一吕西安费弗尔在其扛鼎之作《大地与人类演进:地理学视野下的史学引论》自始至终都对"地理环境决定论"进行全面的清洗,作者对该决定论所演化出来的诸多错误观念也一并进行剖析和批判.本文作者在逐字逐句,仔细阅读整部著作的基础上,对费弗尔在该著所有相关内容进行了全面的梳理和评价,同时对该著的主要贡献及其中的不足和商榷之处进行了较为系统的评述.Lucien Febvre, one of the founders of French Annales School, gives a complete survey and criticism to the Geographical Determinism in his one of the most important work, A Geographical Introduction to History, collaborated with Lionel Bataillon. Lucien also decomposed the Determinism and many of illusions which were divided by it. After carefully reading and making a thorough inquiry about his book, we would analyze and evaluate all what he discussed in the book and then systematically present his main great contributions. However, we also point out some ideas or faults which should be re-explored in the book.